September 2014

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Town Board Pauses to Remember Keith Matott

The Peru Town Board conducted a moment of silence and reflected on the contributions made to the Town of Peru by former Peru Code Enforcement Officer Keith Matott at its Monday, September 22, 2014 meeting. Keith Matott passed away on September 14th. Glushko said Matott’s experience was invaluable in the formulation of the town’s new comprehensive plan and commended Matott’s service to the town. There were long lines at Matott’s wake and people filled Sacred Heart Church in Chazy for his funeral.

Enforcement of the town’s noise ordinance has proven to be difficult. State Police do not have the time to enforce the law. The Clinton County Sheriff’s Department may be able enforce the law if the county collects any fines levied. Supervisor Glushko will be investigating this option.

The Board also:

  • Scheduled a Tax Cap Public Hearing for October 9th at 6:30 p.m. Supervisor Glushko said there are no plans to exceed the state-imposed tax cap, but if the 2015 budget necessitates exceeding the tax cap, a public hearing has to have been held.
  • Passed a resolution supporting the local effort to purchase and preserve the Old Stone Barracks on the Old Base.
  • Authorized Adele Douglas to seek prices from consultants for developing a Main Street improvement plan. All costs will be paid by a previously acquired grant.
  • At the request of Supervisor Glushko, the Board delayed passing a resolution regarding the oil trains passing through the region. Glushko said a City of Plattsburgh group is researching the issue. He favors delaying action until that group makes its recommendations on the best course of action.
  • Noted that a Disaster Preparedness Seminar will be held on October 2nd at 8 a.m. in the Plattsburgh Office of Emergency Services.
  • Encouraged participation in the October 5th Walking Trail ribbon cutting. Speed limits and no-passing double lines for vehicles approaching the walking trail on Route 22 will be pursued.
  • Discussed resolving the issues a few employees are having with the newly installed time clocks. The Employee Handbook will have to be updated to include a new time clock policy.
  • Approved sale of the Highway Department stone crusher to Peru Sand and Gravel in the amount of $25,000.
  • Received an invitation from the Peru Federal Credit Union to attend a groundbreaking for its new Bear Swamp Road building. The ceremony is scheduled for September 30th at 3:30 p.m.