May 2015

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State Senate Approves Speed Limit Mandate Relief Bill

From the office of State Senator Betty Little

The State Senate today approved legislation sponsored by Senator Betty Little that would authorize towns to set speed limits within their jurisdictions. Villages, cities and towns with large populations can do so on their own, but most towns must petition the New York State Department of Transportation (DOT) for approval. “The goal is create a uniform policy and eliminate what is currently an unfunded mandate,” said Little, who has sponsored the bill for numerous years.

The bill (S.1216) would amend section 1622 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law to authorize towns to establish maximum speed limits on all town highways that are functionally classified as “local roads. Speed limits would be less than the 55 miles per hour statutory maximum speed limit.

Towns that elect to set maximum speed limits would need to do so in accordance with engineering specifications. Speed limit changes would require certification by a licensed professional engineer specializing in traffic operations. Town boards not wanting to set speed limits could elect for the DOT to maintain jurisdiction to set maximum speed limits on town roads.

The legislation, which passed the Senate by unanimous vote, is supported by AARP.