June 2015

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Best Wishes to Marge Swain; We Will Miss Her

MargeBy John T. Ryan

Marge Swain has a broad smile in the accompanying photo and for a good reason. On May 19th, she retired as owner and operator of Swain’s Liquor and Wine Store. She explained, “I decided to sell the store. I’ve been here for almost 42 years. It was time!” Nevertheless, there is one aspect of retirement Marge is not looking forward to. “I’m going to miss all my customers. I miss them already. I just enjoyed them and that’s the truth,” she said.

When Marge and her husband Don purchased the business in August 1973 it was located on Main Street in the building currently occupied by Dr. Thomas Lamar. They had four children at the time and Marge was expecting, so the family needed the extra income. She recalled, “The store helped us financially. If we bought a new chair or something of that nature, it came out of the store.” In 1976, she decided to move the business to its current location at the Grand Union/Tops Plaza.

There have been significant changes in the alcoholic beverage industry over the past 42 years. Marge said, “In 1973 we stocked about eight different wines – ports, Chablis and one German wine for a local family. Now the store stocks over 100 wines.” Peru’s white wine drinkers favor white zinfandel, chardonnay and pinot grigio. Merlot and cabernets are best red wine sellers. As for distilled spirits Marge said, “At one time whiskey was the biggest seller. Today, it’s definitely vodka.”

Marge Swain may have sold the business, but that doesn’t mean she’ll be just sitting back in an easy chair. Her son John and his wife Elaine recently purchased the 22-unit Inn on the Hill Resort in Lake George. Next summer Marge plans to be living in an apartment at the Inn, helping out at the front desk and checking rooms to make sure they’re properly prepared for customers.

The Peru Gazette wishes Marge Swain a happy future. She has been a businesswoman who adapted to changing industry trends and who always focused on her customers. She obviously possessed the formula for business success!

The Peru Gazette is preparing a story on Bonny Trost, the store’s new owner and operator.