December 2016

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Science class to become a hands-on experience – Times Union

Starting next fall, new science learning standards will roll out in New York classrooms that are focused on better preparing students for higher education and careers in fast-growing science, technology, engineering and math fields. The learning standards, which set out what students should know and be able to do by the end of each grade, include a keener emphasis on hands-on learning opportunities and projects that engage students with natural science phenomena. Over the next year, the State Education Department will develop a comprehensive implementation plan to help districts with the transition, which involves educators becoming familiar with the new standards, developing curricula that aligns to them, professional development in instruction techniques, and support in the form of materials and resources. The department is also hoping to build a so-called Statewide Science Education Ecosystem Network, made up of various STEM “assets and initiatives” across the state that would support collaborations and partnerships with school districts, higher education institutions, professional organizations, informal science institutions, business and industry, and local and regional science groups.

Source: Science class to become a hands-on experience – Times Union