July 2014

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Owens Co-sponsors Bill to Increase VA Hiring Preference for Veterans

WASHINGTON—Congressman Bill Owens announced today that he is co-sponsoring H.R. 5023, the Veterans’ Assistance to Lower Unemployment and Enhance VA Services Act (VALUES Act). This bipartisan legislation would direct the Department of Veterans Affairs to give greater hiring preference to veterans who apply for jobs in the VA health care system. “This legislation further enlists the VA as an ally to veterans transitioning back into civilian life, helping them build the skills and experience they need to start a new career, ”said Owens. “Whether they returned to a struggling economy sometime in the past or they’re flying home to find a job today, our nation’s veterans have earned this access to good jobs at the VA.”

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), who is sponsoring the legislation, also offered comment: “Veterans as a group are highly motivated to help with the health care of their brothers and sisters in arms which, in turn, should result in better veteran health care. Further, and in contrast to current VA management, veterans in the VA are uniquely motivated to appeal to the public and Congress when the VA system fails our veterans by risking veterans’ health care and lives. A side benefit of H.R. 5023 is that it improves the employment opportunities for our returning veterans, and that is always a good thing.”

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that approximately 9% of the 2.3 million American workers who served in active duty since September 2001 were unemployed in 2013. By comparison, the 2013 national average unemployment rate was 7.4%.

Bureau of Labor Statistics report: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/vet.pdf