December 2012

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PCS achievement recognized by Town Board

By Donald McBrayer

The Town Board held their regular meeting on Monday, December 10. All members were in attendance.

The meeting started off with a presentation by Peru High School Principal Chris Masella. Mr. Masella informed the board PCS had received the Colleges For Every Student (CFES) School of Distinction Award for the third year in a row. Masella also asked the board if the honor could be recognized by having signs made and installed on the four “Welcome to Peru” signs.

After congratulating Mr. Masella on the achievement, the board agreed to the request and asked W/S Superintendent Greg Timmons to look the four welcome signs over to determine where the new signs could be located.

The board passed a resolution to have AES conduct a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) survey at the town’s water reservoir in order to qualify for an Emergency Community Water Assistance Grant (ECWAG). The NEPA survey is similar to a SEQR (State Environmental Quality Review), but more extensive and will cost between $4,500 to $5,000 to conduct. Once completed the town would be eligible for $500,000 from  the ECWAG which would be used toward the reservoir restoration project.

The board also discussed expanding the water district on Bear Swamp Road to the Interstate. W/S Superintendent Greg Timmons informed the board the required surveys for commercial use had already been done.

During the meeting the board also:

  • Received an update by Highway Superintendent Mike Farrell concerning several recent expenses including; a failed boiler inspection at the garage requiring the boiler to be moved 2 feet at the cost of $2000, a $1000 sander motor repair, a $3600 transmission replacement for truck #1, and a clutch job for truck #4. Mr. Farrell also informed the board that the new road signs for Dashnaw Road were competed at a cost of $2600. Farrell said the new signs are very expensive, but are required by the state and that there is still a hundred miles of roads in Peru that needs them.
  • Discussed the Elmore SPCA contract. Town Supervisor Peter Glushko stated he was concerned about the 8% increase being requested for sheltering services. Glushko also mentioned several points in the contract that were difficult to follow. The board will meet with Elmore to discuss these concerns before accepting the contract.
  • Town Attorney Donald Biggs informed the board he was moving forward with eminent domain procedures on property owned by former town councilor Tom Powers in order to complete a sewer line upgrade. The board agreed with the action, noting they were still holding out hope an agreement can be reached before having to use eminent domain.
  • Heard and approved a request by Chip Blair to attach Murphy’s Tavern to the town water & sewer services. Murphy’s would be considered an “out of district” customer resulting in higher usage rates for the tavern. The attachment costs will be the responsibility of Mr. Blair. Mr. Blair agreed to the costs.
  • Set a Public Hearing date at 6:30PM on December 27 on a proposed Valcour sewer rate increase.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50PM.