August 2017

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Mission of Hope Makes Its Goal

A Message received from Sister Debbie Blow:

Today is a great day in the history of the Mission of Hope! I am on a retreat day today, but decided to break the silence to share the following:

I was notified this afternoon that we received a $5000 grant to complete the purchase of the MOH warehouse and another $5000 to put toward our repairs and renovations.

Do I believe it’s a coincidence that I got this message while ” retreating”? Absolutely NOT! In the world of miracles, there are no such things as coincidences, but rather, manifestations of God’s presence and grace!

Together, we all did it! And so, officially today, August 22, 2017, I can tell you that we’ve received the full amount for the purchase price of our warehouse, aka MOHTOWN!

We are in the midst of continued repairs but we look forward to the day when we will have open house and welcome all of you into the home of Mission of Hope!

Blessings and live and be hope today….
Sr. Debbie