January 2020

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Sewer Upgrade Project Awaits Easements

By John T. Ryan

Acquiring easements for the sewer system upgrade project was a primary topic at the Monday, January 27, 2020 Peru Town Board meeting. Approximately 45 easements must be acquired; however, about only about 15 have been acquired to date. Water/Superintendent Courtney Tetrault said he has been on the phone calling residents, answering questions and asking that easements be signed as soon as possible. The Town plans to advertise for bids on the project within the next 60 days with work hopefully commencing this spring. Failure to get the easements in place could delay the project and result in increased costs. 

The Town recently received a Clinton County sales tax check in the amount of $122,725.66. This is the second consecutive year a sales tax check was received. Supervisor Brandy McDonald said sales tax revenue is not included in the town budget because most years it is not received.

Highway Superintendent Michael Farrell reported Foreman Darrell Martineau will be retiring soon after 30 years of service to the town. Farrell praised Martineau’s skills especially his ability to keep machines running when there’s a problem. Farrell said, “It’s going to hurt but somehow we’ll survive.” Farrell pointed out that as equipment becomes more computerized towns are being forced to buy extended warranties when purchasing new equipment.  

The Town Board also: 

Approved purchase of a backup Town electrical generator from Hynes Electrical at a cost of $4,877. Three quotes were solicited. The generator will be installed at the Town Hall. 

Amended a winter plowing agreement with Clinton County for a small portion of the Peasleeville Rd. The Town of Black Brook will take over plowing .76 miles of the road in question. A new property owner objected to Peru’s trucks turning around on his property. 

Approved entering into a shared services agreement with the Town of AuSable to purchase a trailer-mounted asphalt hotbox at a cost of $25,766. Superintendent Michael Farrell said he expects the Town of Jay will also enter into the agreement meaning the $25,766 cost will be shared by the three towns. Last year Peru purchased hot patch material from Lowes at $11 per bag. Once the hotbox is in use, patching material will be purchased at a much lower bulk price. Town Attorney Matt Favro said he would like to review the Memorandum of Understanding to ensure that all liability issues are covered. 

Accepted Councilman Rick Barber’s audit of the Town Court.  Barber said Court Clerk Holly Stone quickly presented the required information. The audit took only 45 minutes.