June 2021

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Health Department Permit Required When Seeing Food to the Public

“Anyone that is serving food to the public must have a permit issued by the Health Department,” stated Karen Noonan, Senior Public Health Sanitarian at CCHD. “This includes events connected to fundraisers and events where the food is served at no cost.”
Plattsburgh, June 22, 2021. With summer barbeques, fundraisers, and events arriving in the North Country, the Clinton County Health Department (CCHD) reminds residents to plan in advance for temporary food service operations.
“Anyone that is serving food to the public must have a permit issued by the Health Department,” stated Karen Noonan, Senior Public Health Sanitarian at CCHD. “This includes events connected to fundraisers and events where the food is served at no cost.”
A permit ensures that the kitchen where the food is prepared is safe and that the workers or volunteers are following food safety rules. The source of water used in preparing the food and cleaning equipment and utensils is equally important. All water used in a food operation must be from an approved and tested source. Events held at a facility not connected to an already permitted public water system (i.e., if the building is served by a private well) will require water sampling.
“Any group planning an event where food will be served to the public should contact the Health Department at least 2l days in advance so our staff can assist with food service event planning to help make the event successful,” explained Ms. Noonan. “That would extend to 45 days if water sampling is required.”
For additional information, including permit information, contact CCHD’s Environmental Health and Safety Division at 518-565-4870 or visit www.clintonhealth.org.