September 2021

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CCHD to Offer COVID-19 Booster Shots 

Plattsburgh, September 28, 2021. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has approved booster shots for eligible individuals who have received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. The Clinton County Health Department (CCHD) will begin offering COVID-19 boosters for eligible individuals Thursday, September 30, 2021. Residents who are eligible can register for a CCHD clinic regardless of where their first two doses were administered. 

“CCHD is pleased and prepared to begin this phase of the vaccination process,” stated Debra Tackett, Director of Health Care Services at CCHD. “Beginning Thursday, we will offer boosters to those eligible at our weekly clinics.” 

Individuals are eligible for a Pfizer booster vaccine dose if they received a 2-dose series of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, the second dose was at least six months ago, AND they meet one or more of the following criteria: 

 Age 65 years or older 


 A resident of a long-term care facility age 18 years or older 


 Ages 50 through 64 years with one or more of the underlying medical conditions: 

o Cancer (current or in remission, including 9/11-related cancers) 

o Chronic kidney disease 

o Pulmonary disease, including but not limited to, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), asthma (moderate to severe), pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, and 9/11 related pulmonary diseases 

o Intellectual and developmental disabilities including Down syndrome 

o Heart conditions, including but not limited to heart failure, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathies, or hypertension (high blood pressure) 

o Immunocompromised state (weakened immune system) including but not limited to solid organ transplant or from blood or bone marrow transplant, immune deficiencies, HIV, use of corticosteroids, use of other immune weakening medicines, or other causes 

o Severe obesity (BMI 40 kg/m2), obesity (body mass index [BMI] of 30 kg/m2 or higher but < 40 kg/m2) 

o Pregnancy 

o Sickle cell disease or thalassemia 

o Type 1 or 2 diabetes mellitus 

o Cerebrovascular disease (affects blood vessels and blood supply to the brain) 

o Neurologic conditions including but not limited to Alzheimer’s disease or dementia 

“Working Together for a Healthier Community” – 2 – 

o Liver disease 


 Individuals 18-49 years of age with one or more of the underlying medical conditions listed above, based on individual benefits and risks 


 Ages 18-64 years who are at increased risk for COVID-19 exposure and transmission because of occupational or institutional setting based on individual benefits and risks. 

To register for a booster, please visit 

CCHD continues to offer COVID-19 vaccine clinics each week for residents needing dose 1, dose 2, or dose 3 appointments. The CDC recommends that people with moderately to severely compromised immune systems receive an additional dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine at least 28 days after a second dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. To schedule a dose 1, dose 2, or dose 3 appointment call 518-565-4848.