February 2013

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Computer money denied and Cold War Veterans may receive a property tax exemption

By John T. Ryan

Peru – Town leaders made it very clear that they plan to keep a tight rein on the town’s 2013 budget. The issue arose under “Other Business” when Town Counselor Susan Polhemus and Peru Librarian Becky Pace asked the Board for $3,600 to establish a dedicated computer purchase fund. Pace told the Board that the library makes four computers available to the public (3,500 users annually) and that the computers will have to be replaced in the not too distant future.

Supervisor Glushko responded saying, “We have to stick with our 2013 budget. We still have budget holes from Hurricane Irene that need to be filled. We have repairs pending on the highway garage roof and work on the walking trail that has to be done to keep our grants. And we still might have problems at the end of the fiscal year.” Counselor Brandy McDonald stated that the town’s non-appropriated fund balance has already been reduced by $250,000 and that he is concerned about any additional spending. Counselor Kregg Bruno said that technology requests should have been included in the library’s annual budget request. Counselor Jim Douglas said he knows the library is doing great work, but he is concerned about setting a precedent. Counselor Polhemus concluded the discussion saying that the Board is aware of the library’s needs should the funds ever become available.

Cold War Veterans living in the Town of Peru may soon qualify for a property tax exemption.  Acting at its February 11, 2013 meeting the Peru Town Board scheduled a Public Hearing on the exemption for 6:30 PM on February 25, 2013. Town Supervisor Peter Glushko said several other towns approved the exemption in 2008, but with all the turmoil in the town at that period in time, action was not taken. Glushko said the total cost to the town would be $1,275 based 31 claims. The exemption does not apply to school taxes and is not available to veterans eligible for other exemptions. It is limited to a maximum of $12,000 of taxable value for primary residences only. A typical eligible veteran would save approximately $40 to $50 on his or her town taxes annually.  

In other actions/reports:

Highway Superintendent Michael Farrell informed the Board that truck #4 incurred serious damage during the recent storms when the snowplow wing went through highway pavement.  The wing swung into the truck damaging both the wing and the vehicle. He said operator error was not the cause of the damage. Insurance will cover most of the repairs, but the Town will have to pay the insurance deductible in the amount of $5,000.

The Board approved an agreement with the Town of Jay for joint use of the Town of Peru’s stone crusher.  The Town of Jay has the stone and Peru has the machine.  Both towns will share the cost of machine maintenance and Peru will receive approximately 8,000 yards of gravel having a value of approximately $56,000 at today’s prices.

Water Superintendent Greg Timmons told the Board that the Water System Improvement Project is progressing on schedule. Electricians are at work and the filtration building addition is going well. Filtration media should be in place by the first week in March and there should be substantial project completion by the end of March.  Timmons did caution that delays in receiving some parts could delay the project by about two weeks.

The last water bill of each fiscal year will be issued in September. Bills will be issued in a timely manner and meters will be read a few days earlier in the cycle. The late payment period will be standardized at 30 days.  The NYS Comptroller recommended these actions.

Town personnel are working to comply with NYS financial management regulations. Vouchers are being pulled to assist in bringing all fiscal year 2012 accounts into compliance. Income and expenses have not been assigned to the proper accounts for several years. Regulations require that and accounting be established for each project, grant, etc. For example, at this meeting bank accounts were established for the water, sewer and Valcour accounts.

The Board approved a $2,000 Walking Trail survey contract with Machabee Land Surveying of Plattsburgh, NY. The nearest bid was in the amount of $6,500. Once the survey is complete tree removal and stump grinding will commence.

Supervisor Glushko will schedule workshops to discuss each department’s 2013 goals. Glushko stated, “We will be looking at financial issues. Business can’t be done as it always has been done. We have to ask, ‘Are there better ways to do our business?’”

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.